A serial entrepreneur from Leicester is looking for a trainee to join his social enterprise to help develop an underdeveloped site in the city.

Leicester Social Economy Consortium CEO David Brazier is using the Kickstart Scheme to finance the position and so the successful candidate needs to be under 25 and eligible for Universal Credit.

The full job description is below.

To apply send a letter of application (Arial 12 point -on one side of A4 only) and a cv to phoenixstudios@lseconsortium.co.uk.

Please use “Job Application from [insert your name]” as the subject heading for your email. Your email to arrive no later than 12 noon on Monday 15 February 2021.


Social Enterprise Trainee

Our Chief Executive, David Brazier, is a serial Social Entrepreneur. He is looking for someone interested in joining a successful Social Enterprise. Leicester Social Economy Consortium is looking to use the Kickstart Scheme to finance this opportunity. The person we are looking for must therefore be eligible to participate in the Kickstart Scheme i.e. under 25 years old and eligible for Universal Credit. Beyond this we do not know what makes someone qualified to join our social enterprise. Things that might help (ie desirable qualities) include:

The ability to write well in clear concise English
A good head for figures and the ability to create your own spreadsheets Excellent IT skills especially the creation and design of websites
Political nous accompanied by the ability not to take things too seriously Knowledge of things related to property development
Excellent coffee making skills

Note: The above list is not exhaustive.

LSEC is the freeholder owner of a site that is currently underdeveloped. Our new employee will work with our CEO to develop this site. Including finance for feasibility studies; appraisal of past successes and future opportunities; preparation of briefing documents; horizon scanning; and coffee making.

This job is not easy. In the first instance it will be poorly paid. Our CEO can be kind and generous but is noted for being disruptive and rabidly left leaning in political terms. The job offers a great opportunity to learn about Social Enterprise from the inside, warts, and all, but will certainly not be everyone’s cup of coffee.